Thanks to everyone who attended and supported the annual MLK Day Scholarship Prayer Breakfast in St Paul's parish hall on Monday, January 20. It was an inspiring morning. The Reverend AnneMarie Mingo, PhD brought home to Key West the ongoing work of courageous moral leadership.
After the breakfast, the monks of Drepung Gomang monastery held the opening ceremony for the creation of a mandala of Compassion in the nave of St Paul's. More inspiration.
In the afternoon, the Drepung Gomang monks joined me and other colleagues in the Interfaith Ministerial Alliance of Key West in the annual MLK Day parade sponsored by the City of Key West. A joy to be in the streets of our town for such an honorable purpose: remembering and recommitting to extending Dr King's legacy of work for peace and justice.
God help us be people who continue this crucial work for the common good for all God's children.
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