St Peter's and St Paul's Taking Steps Forward Together


We've had some tremendously good news to share this week with the announcement that St Paul's has been awarded a $250,000 capital grant as well as all the wraparound support that comes with being a partner project of the National Fund for Sacred Places. Thanks be to God!

St Peter's, Key West has received some excellent news in the last few weeks as well. The City of Key West has approved St Peter's permit to develop 21 parking spaces for commercial lease on their campus. When the necessary drainage and other preparations are complete, St Peter's will be able to rent all of these spaces to nearby guest houses for parking for their guests. The revenue generated from this parking lot will pay for the new roof for the nave of St Peter's, which will cost some $90,000. In conjunction with the rental of the St Peter's rectory as workforce housing, our neighboring congregation will have two excellent income streams to pay for renovations costs. We celebrate this good news with the people of St Peter's.

Since the retirement of the Reverend Lenworth Haughton, who served as long-time supply priest for St Peter's and COVID lockdown supply priest for St Paul's, St Peter's has for the last two years relied upon a rota of supply priests. For the last year, St Paul's has partnered with St Peter's by hosting St Peter's supply clergyIt is difficult to find available clergy within our diocese willing to make the long drive down US 1 and back to lead a single Sunday service in Key West. So, we as the leadership team for St Peter's are going to try something new with the support of Bishop Eaton.

Beginning in November, clergy (mostly from outside the Diocese of Southeast Florida) will come to serve St Peter's for stints of one month or longer. St Peter's will make a generous donation to St Paul's for the use of Kipany House, the historic rectory, as housing for these longer-term supply clergy. Parish activities for St Paul's will also continue as usual as the exciting and much-needed restoration of Kipany House continues. We expect that this arrangement will extend for at least one full year and possibly closer to two. 

During this time, the St Peter's longer-term supply clergy will also be available for supply for St Paul's. If I am away, they will cover the 7:30 AM service at St Paul's and lead a 10 AM service for both congregations either at St Peter's or St Paul's.

The first longer-term supply clergy arrives in early November. The one Sunday for which St Peter's does not have supply coverage is this one, October 22. In an expression of hospitality and good faith as we embark on this new collaboration, we will have our usual 7:30 AM Eucharist at St Paul's. Then, at 10 AM we will worship with St Peter's at St Peter's. You'll remember that St Paul's joined with St Peter's at St Peter's on the Day of Pentecost. Then, St Peter's joined us at 10 AM at St Paul's on the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul (transferred). So, it's our turn to go there. I will preside and preach at the combined 10 AM Eucharist at St Peter's. 

Longtime St Peter's folks attest they recall St Peter's and St Paul's joining together for some events in the past but never for combined worship until our Eucharists together this year. What a blessing to be part of God's new thing in this time as we make history together step by step and offer mutual support and care to one another along the way. God is good all the time. 

Padre's Blog A la Mote
Posted by The Very Reverend Donna S. Mote, PhD

Our 34th rector, Dr Mote, was installed by Bishop Eaton on Saturday, June 5th, 2021.  Prior to joining St Paul's, she served as the Vicar of ATL (Episcopal Chaplain to Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport).  With Bishop Robert C. Wright she authored, The Go Guide: 10 Steps for Innovations in Ministry from Luke 10. Beginning in 2016, Donna served on the bishop's staff as Missioner for Engagement and Innovation in the Diocese of Atlanta, to consult on, coach, strategize, support, promote, and provoke innovations in ministry in Middle and North Georgia.  She was also Chaplain to the Georgia State Defense Force and the 76th Support Brigade.

Donna earned degrees from Shorter College (BA), Southern Seminary (MDiv), and Emory University’s Graduate Division of Religion (PhD) and completed Anglican studies at Sewanee: The University of the South. Donna was raised up for ordination by the parish of St Bartholomew’s, Atlanta. She is an Associate of the Order of St Helena.  Donna is married to Rebecca England, and they have two sons, Anderson and Jordan.

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