More seasonal members of St Paul's are returning to Key West and the Lower Keys. We are delighted to welcome you home!
Our Sunday attendance will continue to increase week by week through Christmastide and on into the season of Epiphany. That means that weekly giving will increase, and that is good news.
The fact of the matter, dear ones, is that we need weekly giving to increase year round. To that end, I am appealing to all of you, whether you are year-round or seasonal members of St Paul's, to please pledge for 2024. Becky and I encourage you to join us in pledging and in tithing for the new year that is just around the corner.
Say that you're in for another year of mission and ministry in Key West and the Lower Keys by pledging to support all that is done in Christ's name and on your behalf week by week.
We have had very lean budgets since before my arrival in June 2021. The budget committee is proposing another very lean budget for the 2024 calendar year. Even so, operational costs continue to increase, and overall general giving has remained relatively flat.
So many of you have created online profiles in our new giving portal. Thank you very much. That is making a great difference in terms of regularity of gifts received. If all of us pledge and make our gifts regularly (even automatically) through the giving portal, we will be in much better stead in terms of day to day operations costs.
Please complete the pledge form linked here to say that you're in. We send you many Advent blessings and much love.
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