Pray for Your Vestry


On Saturday, February 1 and Wednesday, February 5, your St Paul's vestry members will be doing their annual training retreat and orientation. Please pray for them and for me as we gather at St Columba, Marathon on Saturday with retreat leader James Jordan and on Wednesday evening as we meet with Canon Licia Affer at St Paul's.

The work of the vestry is important and particular and will continue to be of increasing importance in our common life as we move farther into our capital campaign and church building and total-campus restoration. Consequently, the work of the vestry is time-intensive and labor-intensive; it is both collaborative and strategic; it requires wisdom, good humor, risk, and forbearance. Thus, for all these reasons, it requires a lot of prayer by and for the members of the vestry.

We thank you in advance for your prayers, and we pray to be of wise and capable service to the congregation and community.

Padre's Blog A la Mote
Posted by The Very Reverend Donna S. Mote, PhD

Our 34th rector, Dr Mote, was installed by Bishop Eaton on Saturday, June 5th, 2021.  Prior to joining St Paul's, she served as the Vicar of ATL (Episcopal Chaplain to Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport).  With Bishop Robert C. Wright she authored, The Go Guide: 10 Steps for Innovations in Ministry from Luke 10. Beginning in 2016, Donna served on the bishop's staff as Missioner for Engagement and Innovation in the Diocese of Atlanta, to consult on, coach, strategize, support, promote, and provoke innovations in ministry in Middle and North Georgia.  She was also Chaplain to the Georgia State Defense Force and the 76th Support Brigade.

Donna earned degrees from Shorter College (BA), Southern Seminary (MDiv), and Emory University’s Graduate Division of Religion (PhD) and completed Anglican studies at Sewanee: The University of the South. Donna was raised up for ordination by the parish of St Bartholomew’s, Atlanta. She is an Associate of the Order of St Helena.  Donna is married to Rebecca England, and they have two sons, Anderson and Jordan.

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