Winifred Shine Fryzel, the author of the Golden Cockerel, laid out the windows numerically starting from the baptismal font (at the back of the church building, near Duval Street) and continuing along the South side of the church, across the altar, and ending at the bell tower (near the corner of Eaton and Duval). The lower windows are numbered 1-29, and the upper windows are 101-130.
Use the images to orient yourself within the church, then use the links below to access the content about each window. (A more traditional layout can also be found at the bottom of this page.)

Lower Windows:
#1 Flight Into Egypt #2 Guardian Angel
#3 Baptism of Jesus
#3a Baptism of Jesus (detail) #4 Jesus Blessing Little Children
#5 Phillip and the Ethiopian
#6 Guardian Angel
#7 Moses Smiting the Rock
#7a Moses Smiting the Rock (detail)
#8 Holy Trinity Roundel
#9 Saint John Roundel #10 Pomegranate Roundel
#11 Mitre Roundel #12 Holy Spirit Roundel
#13 Agnus Dei Roundel
#14 Presentation of Jesus #15 Chi Rho Roundel #16 Chalice Roundel
#17 Alpha and Omega Roundel
#18 Annunciation of Our Lady
#18a Annunciation of Our Lady (Details)
#19 Raising Jairus' Daughter
#19a Raising Jairus' Daughter (Detail #1)
#20 Chi Rho Roundel
#21 Saint Matthew Roundel #22 IHS Roundel #23 Christ w/ Woman of Samaria #24 Cross & Crown Roundel
#25 Chalice and Cruets Roundel
#26 Saint Luke Roundel #27 Font Roundel #28 Saint Mark Roundel #29 Cross and Anchor Roundel
The Sacristy Windows Choir Room & Epilogue
Upper Windows:
#101 Genealogy (Prophets)
#102 Jesse Tree Window
#103 Genealogy (Prophets)
#104, #105, #106 INRI, Cock, and Sword of the Spirit Roundels
#107 Feeding the Five Thousand
#108 Christ Among the Doctors
#108a Christ Among the Doctors (central panel)
#108b Christ Among the Doctors (right panel)
#109 Wedding Feast at Cana
#109a Wedding Feast at Cana (left panel)
#110 Christ with the Elders
#111 Saint Luke
#112 Nativity Adoration
#113 Saint John
#114 Saint Barnabas
#115 Deborah & Scrolls
#116 St. Paul on Mars Hill
#117a Crucifixion (Right Panel) #117b Crucifixion (Central Panel) #117c Crucifixion (Left Panel)
#118 Saint Paul on Road to Damascus
#119 Zacchaeus Climbing the Sycamore Tree
#120 Miriam
#121 Saint Mark
#122a Ascension, Pentecost, Resurrection (Left Panel - Resurrection) #122b Ascension, Pentecost, Resurrection (Center Panel - Pentecost) #122c Ascension, Pentecost, Resurrection (Center Panel - Pentecost Details) #122d Ascension, Pentecost, Resurrection (Right Panel - Ascension)
#123 Saint Matthew
#124 Christ with Fishermen
#125 Holy Trinity #125a Holy Trinity (central panel) #125b Holy Trinity (left panel) #125c Holy Trinity (right panel)
#126a Entry Into Jerusalem (Center Panel) #126b Entry Into Jerusalem (Left Panel)
#126c Entry Into Jerusalem (Right Panel) #127 Transfiguration #127a Transfiguration (Center Panel) #127b Transfiguration (Left Panel)
#128 Cross & Keys Roundel, St. Andrew Roundel, Pillar and Scourge Roundel

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