Ascension, Pentecost, Resurrection (Right Panel - Ascension - Detail)
Phipps, Ball & Burnham - Circa 1920
In loving Memory of My Father William Curry
My Mother Euphemia Curry
Charles, George H., Henry F., Robert O. Curry, Brothers
DESCRIPTION: The right panel of the north transept clerestory window depicts Christ's Ascension into Heaven. This detail focuses on the face of a serene Christ. The artist has pictured Him with brown eyes, hair and beard. The clothing falls in graceful lines; the nimbus has a cross pattée, and in this detail, only a portion of the light with red rays enveloping Him is seen. In the full panel Christ is surrounded by a golden aureole, with red rays coming from the aureole.
MEMORIAL STORY: One of the four Curry brothers remembered here was also remembered with a memorial bell given to (First) Holy Innocents, a mission of St. Paul's (1900-1917), organized by The Reverend Gilbert Higgs, rector of St. Paul's. The bell was duly marked, but when the author made a special trip to note the memorial marking, she lacked a ladder and a bit of sandpaper and was unable to read the lettering to confirm which of the four brothers' name was on the bell.
At the beginning of the 20th century, bells played an important part in the life of the community and this one was no exception. They were so important that Father Kelliffer, priest in charge of (First) Holy Innocents, writes that the bell was out of commission for a few days and he was determined to remedy that in short order.
Harold Bethel, a youngster who lived nearby, rang the bell for services for a number of years. He had a contest with a boy of another church to see who could out-ring the other and lost the wager. At another time, the bell commenced to ring one evening and, after an investigation, it was found that the rope was tied to the hind end of a cow!
Source: The Golden Cockerel: The Art, Symbolism & History of the Stained Glass Windows, St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Key West, Florida by Winifred Shine Fryzel.
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