Saint Matthew Roundel
Phipps, Ball & Burnham
7'3" x 39"
In Loving Memory of Walter James Lightbourne Oct. 13, 1882 - June 30, 1916
DESCRIPTION: The ruby roundel, encircled with blue, green and purple, contains a winged figure of a man dressed in white holding a banderole which reads, "S. Matthew." The nimbus, wings and banderole are golden. Unfortunately, the roundel is cracked.
SYMBOLISM: The winged man represents Saint Matthew because he began his gospel with the human genealogy of Jesus. Originally a tax collector, Matthew was called by Jesus to become one of his disciples.
MEMORIAL: Walter James Lightbourne was born in Key West on October 13, 1882. He was the son of Walter S. and Florida Lofton Lightbourne. His father was vice president and manager of Cortez Cigar Company which at one time employed 30 men. The Key West City Directory, in 1906-1907, lists Walter James as assistant manger of the Cortez Cigar Factory.
He was married on November 8, 1904 to Nellie Moss. James J. Cameron, rector of St. Paul's performed the ceremony with Charles Curry and Benjamin Trevor as witnesses. Walter James and Nellie's children were Walter S., Florida Elmer (Evans), Alice Mary (Carbonell), and Catherine (Demeritt). Following Walter James' death, his widow married Dexter Dorgan.
Source: The Golden Cockerel: The Art, Symbolism & History of the Stained Glass Windows, St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Key West, Florida by Winifred Shine Fryzel.
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