The Transfiguration (Center Panel Detail)
Charles J. Connick Associates - 1962
Jennie Lucille Seymour
In Memoriam
Nellie Seymour Morris
DESCRIPTION: In the center panel detail of The Transfiguration, Christ appears as a barefoot young man wearing loose fitting garments in shades of white, pale yellow and the palest of lavender. These colorations are used effectively to give the illusion of light coming from Christ as it is written that on this occasion Jesus' "face shown as the sun and his outer garments became brilliant with the light."(Matthew 17:2) The right hand is raised, the left lowered, with both palms facing outward. Surrounding His head is a Tri-Radiant Nimbus, representing the Trinity.
THE WINDOW: This portrayal of the Transfiguration was chosen by The Reverend Edward M. Pennell, Jr., rector of St. Paul's. It is indeed fortunate that the original contract for the window was found in the archives, as it offers a look into the detailed process of selecting a window.The cost was quoted at $4000. The glass was to be English antique and rolled glass or glass equal in quality. The color of the work and all painting upon the glass was to be a true and fair interpretation of the spirit of the sketch or color design. Other items concerned various specifications. The contract is dated October 30, 1962, and the signatures included those of Orin E. Skinner, president of the studio, and Ruth M. Hunter. This was approved by the rector of St. Paul's and two members of the vestry. In contrast to the earlier windows of Phipps, Ball & Burnham and Payne Spiers, the figures in the Connick narrative windows, The Transfiguration and Christ Among the Doctors (Window #108) appear more two-dimensional, somewhat in the manner of Byzantine or Orthodox icons.
Source: The Golden Cockerel: The Art, Symbolism & History of the Stained Glass Windows, St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Key West, Florida by Winifred Shine Fryzel.
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