Below is a list of windows on the upper level. Use the links to view details about each window.
#104, #105, #106 INRI, Cock, and Sword of the Spirit Roundels
#107 Feeding the Five Thousand
#108a Christ Among the Doctors (central panel)
#108b Christ Among the Doctors (right panel)
#109a Wedding Feast at Cana (left panel)
#117 Crucifixion (Right Panel)
#117b Crucifixion (Central Panel)
#117c Crucifixion (Left Panel)
#118 Saint Paul on Road to Damascus
#119 Zacchaeus Climbing the Sycamore Tree
#122a Ascension, Pentecost, Resurrection (Left Panel - Resurrection)
#122b Ascension, Pentecost, Resurrection (Center Panel - Pentecost)
#122c Ascension, Pentecost, Resurrection (Center Panel - Pentecost Details)
#122d Ascension, Pentecost, Resurrection (Right Panel - Ascension)
#125 Holy Trinity
#125a Holy Trinity (central panel)
#125b Holy Trinity (left panel)
#125c Holy Trinity (right panel)
#126a Entry Into Jerusalem (Center Panel)
#126b Entry Into Jerusalem (Left Panel)
#126c Entry Into Jerusalem (Right Panel)
#127 Transfiguration
#127a Transfiguration (Center Panel)
#127b Transfiguration (Left Panel)
#128 Cross & Keys Roundel, St. Andrew Roundel, Pillar and Scourge Roundel
The Sacristy Windows
Choir Room & Epilogue
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