Saint John Roundel
Phipps, Ball &Burnham 1920
7'2" × 29 1/2"
James R. Shackleford Born 1851 Died 1906
Henrietta Shackleford Born 1852 Died 1915
DESCRIPTION: The eagle is set upon a scarlet background encircled with shades of blue. This handsome bird with outstretched wings is poised for flight. It sports fine feathers and wonderfully shaped talons. The head with the golden nimbus is turned to the right; the banderole across the body from wing to wing reads "St. John."
SYMBOLISM: The eagle is the Christian symbol for St. John, the Evangelist. It is said to represent his desire to reach and spread the highest truths. It exemplifies power, victory and the spread of the Gospel.
MEMORIAL: James R. Shackleford, a black man, was born in Missouri on April 8, 1851. He came to Key West sometime prior to 1874, worked as a carpenter and later operated a grocery store in the 800 block of Duval Street.
Henrietta Delaney was born in March 1852 in Florida. She and James were married on June 7, 1874, by The Reverend John Reuter, rector of St. Paul's.
The census for 1900 states they were parents of nine children, five still alive at that time. The following were baptized: Mary, Julia, Edith, Elizabeth, James, Marquery, Eugenia, and Genevieve.
James R. Shackleford died in 1906; Henrietta in 1915. Two of their children, James and Edith, are remembered in Holy Trinity Roundel (Window #8).
Source: The Golden Cockerel: The Art, Symbolism & History of the Stained Glass Windows, St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Key West, Florida by Winifred Shine Fryzel.
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