Baptism of Jesus
Phipps, Ball & Burnham (conjecture) 1920
79 314" × 27 3/4"
In Memory of William Hunt Harris, Jr. Mar. 8, 1904 - June 9, 1906
DESCRIPTION: John the Baptist, clothed in animal skins, is in the act of baptizing Jesus. The water is being poured from a round, shallow bowl. Encircling his shoulders is a banderole with the words "Agnus Dei". Jesus, robed in blue, with downcast eyes and hands crossed over his chest, stands in humility.
SYMBOLISM: "Agnus Dei," Latin for "Lamb of God," symbolizes Jesus. John the Baptist was the first to bestow this name upon Jesus, as he said, "Behold the Lamb of God, who taketh away the sins of the world." (John 1:29) In the Anglican liturgy, the Agnus Dei is sung during communion.
MEMORIAL: William Hunt Harris, Jr. was born March 8, 1904. He was the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. William Hunt Harris, Sr. Mr. Harris was born in Louisiana and came to Key West as a 20 year old young man. He studied law, and during the short life of his son, was a senator of the 24th District. He later became a respected judge of the Criminal Court. The infant's mother was Mary Louise Porter Harris, the daughter of Dr. J.Y. Porter, Sr., who was the generous donor of several windows in the church: Jesse Tree (Window #102), Saint Luke (Window #111) and Nativity Adoration (Window #112).
The child was baptized in St. Paul's third church, which was destroyed in the hurricane of 1909. The priest was William Curtis White, Priest in Charge of (First) Holy Innocents. The sponsors were William R. Porter, J. Yates Porter, and Mrs. Mary Harris.
The family lived at 425 Caroline Street. The child's sister, Minnie Porter Harris, and a brother, William Curry Harris, were born after his death.
Source: The Golden Cockerel: The Art, Symbolism & History of the Stained Glass Windows, St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Key West, Florida by Winifred Shine Fryzel.
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