Window #3 - Baptism of Jesus (Detail)


Baptism of Jesus (Detail)
Phipps, Ball & Burnham (Conjecture) 1920
79 31⁄44" x 27 314"
In Memory of William Hunt Harris, Jr. Mar. 8, 1904 - June 9, 1906
DESCRIPTION: In this detail, the artist has succeeded in capturing the strong character and deep emotion at the moment of the baptism of Jesus by his cousin, John the Baptist. The facial features are well modeled, the golden nimbus and scarlet garment around the shoulders creates a poignant and moving stained glass picture.
THE STORY: John the Baptist was born of an elderly couple descending from the priestly family of Aaron. Some scholars believe that John went into the desert to live when his parents died; others believe his parents took him to the desert to escape Herod's slaughter of Jewish baby boys.
John was known as the "Baptist" because he preached to his fellow Jews that they should repent and be baptized. John was a Nazarite, one who pledged to deny himself the luxuries of society and human comforts to demonstrate his love of God. Following John's baptism of Jesus it is written:
And with that a voice came from heaven, which said,
"This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased. " (Matthew 3:17)

Source: The Golden Cockerel: The Art, Symbolism & History of the Stained Glass Windows, St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Key West, Florida by Winifred Shine Fryzel.

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