Holy Spirit Roundel
Phipps, Ball & Burnham 1920
7'2" x 29 1/2"
Gift of St. Paul's Flower Guild
DESCRIPTION: The scarlet roundel encircled with shades of blue contains a white dove.
Surrounding the head is a nimbus, a circle of radiant light. The inscription beneath this symbol is "Sanctus Spiritus."
SYMBOLISM: The dove is the symbol for the Holy Spirit and "Sanctus Spiritus" is Latin for the Holy Spirit.
MEMORIAL: Both Holy Spirit Roundel and Agnus Dei Roundel (Window #13) were given to St. Paul's by the Flower Guild. When the window was donated there must have been a separate organization for the procurement and arrangement of flowers. Today, the Flower Guild takes that responsibility. In the early years of St. Paul's, the members could not easily obtain flowers relying only on flowers were grown in gardens on the island. The Rock Rose was a favorite, as well as the small red carnation.
The best example of the work of the Flower Guild is shown in a rare photograph of St. Paul's third church. It features the church decorated for the wedding of Key West's beloved physician, Joseph N. Fogarty, and his bride, Corrine Curry. The wedding took place on January 16, 1900, and the church was lavishly decorated with ferns, flowers and palm fronds. The popular couple said their vows beneath a white bell, but one cannot discern from the photograph if this was fashioned from flowers. One elderly church member born this same year remembers the "old folks" remarking that, "Dr. Fogarty was married under the bell."
Source: The Golden Cockerel: The Art, Symbolism & History of the Stained Glass Windows, St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Key West, Florida by Winifred Shine Fryzel.
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