Genealogy Window - Prophets Daniel and Ezekiel
Connick Associates 1959
9' 8 1/2" × 30 1/2"
To the Glory of God and in Memory of Eric Curry 1894 - 1956 Muriel D. Curry
DESCRIPTION: Two prophets, Daniel and Ezekiel, who also foretold the coming of the Messiah, are
depicted in the window to the left of Jesse Tree. Daniel, dressed in colorful garments, carries a staff topped by a six-pointed star in his right hand; in his left hand is a scroll. Ezekiel holds a flaming torch in his right hand and a scroll in his left. Both figures stand barefoot and a grapevine heavy with fruit surrounds and ornaments them.
SYMBOLISM: Daniel and Ezekiel, along with Isaiah and Jeremiah in Window #101, make up the four greater prophets of the Old Testament, each of whom foretold the coming of the Messiah. The six-pointed star held by Daniel is widely regarded as a messianic symbol because of its connection with David, ancestor of the Messiah. Ezekiel's flaming torch can be interpreted as a symbol for Christ: "I am the light of the world" (John 9:5), or as witnessing for Christ: "Let your light so shine (Mathew 5:16). The grape vines, winding throughout all three genealogy windows and casting a wonderful light ranging from blue to purple, are artistic references the genealogy of Jesus from the single line of Jesse.
MEMORIAL: Both prophet windows were given in memory of the same person, Eric Curry, by two women central in his life. Prophets Daniel and Ezekiel was donated by his wife, Muriel Dudderar Curry at a cost of $1500; Prophets Isaiah and Jeremiah was given in his memory by his mother, Ella Isabel Gould Curry.
Both Connick Associates windows flanking the Jesse Tree by Phipps, Ball & Burnham, were created almost 40 years after the central window. It is remarkable that Orin Skinner from the Connick studio was able to maintain the artistic continuity of the older window.
Source: The Golden Cockerel: The Art, Symbolism & History of the Stained Glass Windows, St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Key West, Florida by Winifred Shine Fryzel.
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