Wedding Feast at Cana
Payne Spiers Studio 1930 or 1940
To The Glory of God And In Loving Memory of Grace Dorgan Porter
DESCRIPTION: The lovely narrative window is the second by the Payne Spiers Studio in St. Paul's Church and, as does its companion, Feeding the Five Thousand (Window #107), tells the story of one of Christ's miracles. Although the stories are different, there are some striking artistic similarities between the two windows.
The two red-winged angels hovering above the Gothic canopy and the detailed work just beneath the pointed canopy are similar, as is the bottom border of each panel. The rendering of the clouds in both windows are also similar, as is the gentleness of the facial expressions.
The central panel of Wedding Feast at Cana is devoted to Jesus and his mother, Mary. In the right panel, two people are taking part in the festivities of the wedding; a third tastes the wine. In the left panel, two servants are engaged in pouring water into a large container. The detailed rendering of the color gradations of the wine pouring from the jug tell the story of the miracle.
THE STORY: Considered to be the first of Jesus' public miracles, the events of a marriage in Cana described in John 2:1-11, are beautifully and simply expressed in this window. Jesus, his mother, Mary, and His disciples were invited to a wedding in Cana. At a certain point, Mary noticed the wine had run out and expressed this to Jesus. He directed the servants to fil six stone water pots with water and take them to the steward. When the steward tasted the water, he found it to be wine. This event is said to have contributed ot the awakening of His disciples who witnessed the event: "This beginning of miracles did Jesus in Cana of Galilee, and manifested forth his glory; and his disciples believed on him." (John 2:17)
MEMORIAL: Grace Dorgan was born November 3, 1876 in Mobile, Alabama. Her parents, Mr. and Mr. Lyman C. Dorgan, were one of the best known families in Alabama. Grace married William R. Porter in the Presbyterian Church in Mobile on January 19, 1891. They made their home in Key West, where Grace took an active interest in the affairs of the First Presbyterian Church, the Woman's Club and the Key West Garden Club. Grace died on March 24, 1930. William R. Porter was president of the First National Bank of Key West and for many years was a member of the Monroe County Commission. Other members of the Porter family are remembered in Jesse Tree (Window #102) and Nativity Adoration (Window #112).
Source: The Golden Cockerel: The Art, Symbolism & History of the Stained Glass Windows, St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Key West, Florida by Winifred Shine Fryzel.
To continue the tour, continue along the right side walking toward the altar. At eye level beside the small Mary altar, you will come upon Window #18: The Annunciation of Our Lady, dedicated to the Daughters of the King and created by Phipps, Ball, & Burnham.
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