Feeding the Five Thousand
Payne Spiers Studio Circa 1940 (Before 1950)
Presented by Marion Musgrove Closs
In Loving Memory of her Father Joseph Charles Musgrove
And her Mother, Janie Cornelia Musgrove
DESCRIPTION: This narrative window is one of two from the studio of Payne Spiers; the second is Wedding Feast at Cana (Window #109). Each depicts a story of one of Christ's miracles as told in the New Testament Gospels.
Feeding the Five Thousand is divided into three panels: the central panel is devoted to Jesus and three other figures: a bearded man holding a small container of fish, a young person and an older man; the side panels are filled with a multitude of all ages. Looking down upon the scene from above the pointed Gothic canopy are two red-winged angels.
THE STORY: As told in Luke 9:10-1, although Jesus and his Apostles sought a quiet place of rest, many saw them going and followed. The hour was late; the throngs hungry. Jesus directed that they be given something to eat. From five loaves of bread and two fishes, the host of people was fed and they were satisfied. And those that ate numbered 5000.
MEMORIAL: Joseph Musgrove is found only in the cemetery records of Key West. The records state that he was born in the Bahamas and died when he was 40 years old on June 12, 1898. He does not appear in the census, city directory, or in any of the records of St. Paul's, neither does Janie Cornelia Musgrove. Anything could be speculated. It is possible that they did not live in Key West. Perhaps he was visiting from the Bahamas, and died here suddenly, as close ties existed between Key West and Bahamian families. It was common in those days for people to travel back and forth by boat between the islands for work, trade or for family visits. However, St. Paul's records document the marriage of the donor, Marion Musgrove Closs, to Herbert L. Closs on January 1, 1922 by The Reverend C.R.D. Crittendon, rector of St. Paul's. The witnesses were Captain and Mrs. Luther Pinder.
Source: The Golden Cockerel: The Art, Symbolism & History of the Stained Glass Windows, St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Key West, Florida by Winifred Shine Fryzel.
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