Each season, St. Paul's features musicians who perform in the sanctuary and parish hall as part of our outreach mission to the Keys. Taking advantage of our downtown location, the church serves as a much-loved center for musical performances. Events are scheduled from January - May. Visit the below websites for more information about the artists.
Keys Choral Arts
Tim Peterson, director of music at St. Paul’s, has been appointed the director for this, not-for-profit organization. There are more than 50 singers, from Marathon to Key West. Two performances a year are scheduled including Christmas with selections from classical to pop. New members are welcome. If you would like to join or for more information, contact Tim Peterson at: keyschoralarts.org
Southernmost Chamber Music Society
Operating under the umbrella of St. Paul's, SCMS is an artists-in-residence group of professional musicians including vocalists, instrumentalists, and collaborative artists, who perform monthly concerts in the parish hall and church between November and April. For concert dates and more information, please visit: Southernmost Chamber Music Society.
Impromptu Classical Concerts
St. Paul's hosts bi-weekly Impromptu concerts in the church from January - March, including recitals, workshops, and visiting choruses. For more information, visit: Impromptu