Christ and the Fishermen
Harry Taylor - 1977
Daniel L. Navarro, Patricia Lynn Bardecki,
Radm. Clyde W. Brunson, Barbara Brunson Sullivan
DESCRIPTION: Along with Christ with the Elders (Window #110) in the west wall of the south transept, this clerestory window in the west wall of the north transept is the work a local artist, Harry Taylor. Although thematically different, there is an artistic similarity between the two. In this Taylor window, Christ is shown with fishermen who are hauling in a multitude of fish in their nets. The use of the unusual aqua colored glass gives this window a more contemporary and appropriately tropical feel than the other windows in the church and is most pleasing to the eye.
THE STORY: The window, with a theme derived from the sea, can be viewed in two ways. On a spiritual level it tells a story of Christ; on a realistic level, ti establishes a connection to the congregation of St. Paul, many of whom made, and continue to make, their living from the sea.
As a biblical narrative it can be interpreted as a wonderful illustration of the manner in which Jesus sought out his disciple, Peter, a fisherman, saying: "Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men." (Matthew 4: 18-20) Or, as with the companion window, Christ with the Elders/Road to Emmaus, it can be viewed as an illustration of one of the appearances of Christ during the 40 days between His Resurrection and Ascension, which served to strengthen the faith of the disciples. In this Taylor window Jesus manifests Himself to seven of His disciples who had been fishing unsuccessfully on the Sea of Tiberias. Standing on the shore, Jesus told them to cast the net on the right side of the boat to catch the fish. And they did, catching 153. (John 21)
MEMORIAL: The window was dedicated on Sunday morning, May 15, 1977, by The Reverend Eric W. Potter, rector of St. Paul's. The church bulletin for this service was found in a large trash barrel in a hot, steaming attic of the church by the archivist, along with other correspondence that has been used in this documentation of the windows.
Father Potter headed a procession to the Military Chapel for the dedication of the new clerestory window. He led the congregation in the Window Dedication and Commemoration prayers, remembering Daniel L. Navarro, Patricia Lynn Bardecki, RADM Clyde W. Brunson, and Barbara Brunson Sullivan. The dedication concluded with a prayer for the benefactors, Mrs. Dan L. Navarro and Mrs. Clyde W. Brunson:
Remember them, O Lord, for good, and grant that all who shall enjoy the benefit of this pious work may show forth their thankfulness to thee by making a right use of the same through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
Source: The Golden Cockerel: The Art, Symbolism & History of the Stained Glass Windows, St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Key West, Florida by Winifred Shine Fryzel.
Our tour was just a short overview of the stories behind the windows of St. Paul's. please use the layout located here to learn more about each beautiful window.
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